
eDemocracy Award 2009

The VoicE project has been awarded the European eDemocracy Award in the category "European eDemocracy Project". The award is annually given to eDemocracy initiatives that strengthen eParticipation, transparency, representative democracy and citizen participation in the democratic decision-making process at European, national or local level. In 2009, roughly 50 initiatives and websites were analyzed using two complex indicators that measure innovation, accessibility, content, and diversity of the tools used to reinforce participative democracy, as well as the availability and performance of the website in question over the course of one month. Good Practice Label 2009

An Good Practice Label was awarded by the European eGovernment Awards Consortium to VoicE project in which Gov2u is participating. The project was published in the highest ranked cases in the European Commission’s good practice portal in November 2009.

Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics eDemocracy Award 2006 and 2007

Within only two years of Gov2u’s establishment, our organization was voted:

  • in 2006 in the Top 20 Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics
  • in 2007 in the Top 10 Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics

This prestigious award seeks to recognize the innovators and pioneers, the dreamers and doers who are bringing democracy online.

eGov Good Practice Label 2006

Gov2Demoss platform has been awarded with the eGov Good Practice Label. This labeling was initiated by the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media and is part of the Good Practice Framework that the latter has initiated in order to support the creation of comprehensive eGovernment services across all levels of the Union, to catalogue good practice in eGovernment and to stimulate the sharing of this information.